
Things I Need To Build

I need to build a coffee table, that includes the following:

College Drop Out Party

The theme was to dress up as whatever you'd be if you dropped out of school right then and there. Costumes included welfare check, anchormen/news team, Costco's free sample lady, (not pictured) ski bums, zoo keepers, crack heads, jewish, boulder hippies, and trophy wives.


Vacation Lifestyles w/ Hans Hahn

Vacation Lifestyles from Ian Morrison on Vimeo.
Come explore some exciting Vacation Lifestyles with host Hans Hahn.  This was found on an old VHS tape in an Empire Strikes Back box at a local Goodwill store.

It also just so happens to star my friend Ian.


The Prologue To Nothing

It's like being in a bad Scooby-Doo mystery. Specifically, the one where the gang ties you to a chair and Velma has you choking on a homemade silencer. Yeah, I didn't like that episode either.

I get a quick breath of air as the gun is pulled out of my throat, but I lose it just as quickly as the butt of the gun meets my temple. Someone to my left asks me where the girl is. At least, I think that's what they ask. I can't really tell, but that if I was beating the shit out of me that's what I'd be asking myself. Either my ears are bleeding or this guy has the pronunciation ability of Batman with some kind of throat cancer. I think it's my ears.

Is This Art Yet?

Paper slips with compliments on them for bulletin boards around campus.  Click the picture for a downloadable/printable size.  The gender-neutral compliments are (from left to right):
  • It would never occur to you to ever be anything other than yourself, would it?
  • Did you get a hair cut?  It looks great.
  • You seem like a really intelligent person.